
国际化学习是电子游戏软件全球参与的一个核心维度. Courses with international content broaden our understanding of 复杂的 global issues and prepare us for life and work in an increasingly interconnected world. An international curriculum also shapes the 文化 of our campus and facilitates meaningful and enriching encounters with individuals and communities from abroad.

所有八所学校和学院都提供国际内容的课程, 最突出的是莫里西文理学院的国际电子游戏正规平台项目. 此外, 传道部和事工部等单位提供务虚会, 朝圣, 为学生提供沉浸式体验, 教师, 和员工,使思想的反思和转变, 心, 和精神.




AADS的使命是介绍历史, 文化, and experiences of African descended peoples to the widest range of students; to support serious academic research on Africa and the African Diaspora; to give African descended students and their peers opportunities to examine the depth and breadth of African legacies on this continent and in all parts of our world; to link local Black communities more closely with BC.



Asia’s immense diversity and rapid pace of transformation have made it an engine of global change that is exciting, 确实是不可或缺的, 多角度探索. 一系列的课程作业和活动帮助学生发展历史知识, 文化素养, 政治敏锐度, 以及跨越国界积极参与亚洲作为一个世界地区的意愿.



The 亚裔美国人电子游戏正规平台 Program supports courses and programs that highlight the 复杂的 experiences of Americans of Asian ancestry. 在课程, students learn about the extensive critical work that surrounds understanding of this fast-growing, 复杂的, 重要的人口.



德国电子游戏正规平台系是文理学院一个以学生为主的小型系, 提供德语课程, 文化, 业务, 从中世纪到现在的历史. 除了, the department offers opportunities for contact with German-speaking Europe and for study abroad in Austria and Germany as well as the possibility of 教学 in Germany following graduation.



The 全球公共卫生 program is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program offered through collaboration among the 电子游戏软件 Schools of 教育, 护理, 及社会工作.



The 国际电子游戏正规平台 Program offers an interdisciplinary curriculum to students interested in the international aspects of Arts and Sciences disciplines. 符合条件的学生可以选修主修和辅修课程. 课程设置来自几乎所有的艺术和科学学术部门.



The 爱尔兰的电子游戏正规平台 program at 电子游戏软件 began in 1978 and is one of the leading international centres for 爱尔兰的电子游戏正规平台. 电子游戏软件 offers academic programs for students in 爱尔兰的电子游戏正规平台 at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The 爱尔兰的电子游戏正规平台 program also hosts lectures and conferences open to members of the 电子游戏软件 community and the public.



The 伊斯兰文明与社会 program is an interdisciplinary program for undergraduates interested in the breadth and depth of the Islamic World, 一个从西非到太平洋岛屿横跨半个地球的广阔地区.



丰富你对犹太文明的理解, 历史, 以及从圣经到现代的跨学科视角下的宗教, and take advantage of this unique opportunity to examine your own religious traditions and cultural heritage.



The 拉丁美洲电子游戏正规平台 Program challenges students to cross disciplinary borders while exploring this culturally dynamic, 充满活力的, 也是世界上非常重要的地区. 教师 from many academic areas collaborate in the endeavor: 非洲和非洲侨民电子游戏正规平台, 沟通, 经济学, 教育, 电影电子游戏正规平台, 美术, 历史, 法律, 政治科学, 浪漫语言文学, 社会学, 社会工作, 和神学. 辅修课程的学生也来自不同的背景.



浪漫语言与文学提供法语课程, 意大利, 和西班牙语, 以及相应的文学和文化, 在本科和电子游戏正规平台生阶段. 课程范围从初级语言到高级研讨会. 该专业为有志于教学或电子游戏正规平台生学习的学生提供了坚实的准备, 在法律等领域也是如此, 医学, 解释, 以及国际商务.


斯拉夫 & 东方语言文学

斯拉夫语系 & 东方语言文学 provides graduate- and undergraduate-level courses of study through its four overlapping component programs: 语言学 俄语和斯拉夫电子游戏正规平台 东亚电子游戏正规平台 近东电子游戏正规平台




电子游戏软件 School of 社会工作 is a leader in the education of global social work practitioners. 全球实践课程将为您在这两方面做好准备 临床和宏观实践, 在跨文化环境中有效地工作, 解决全球社会问题, 并努力改善个人的福祉, 家庭, 以及全球各地的社区.

人权 & 国际司法证书课程

The Certificate Program is open to graduate students enrolled in affiliated academic departments in all of the university’s graduate 学校, 包括硕士, J.D., L.L.M., Ed.D. 和Ph值.D学生.

国际 & 比较法

The accelerating globalization of law and legal 实践 places important new demands on legal education. 在BC法律, 我们明白,全球化扩大了法律和法律实践的范围和复杂性.  我们的全球法律课程为当今的需求培养学生, 同时给予他们预测未来需求的技能和观点.



The Master of Arts in 国际 Higher 教育 program outlines the major trends and issues affecting this fast-growing field and provides the skills to understand and analyze policy, 实践, 和理论.



爱尔兰电子游戏软件 serves the community of 电子游戏软件 students, alumni, 教师 and friends. It supports study abroad students in Ireland while offering summer study and internships as well.



Through its work in Ireland and with 电子游戏软件’s deep roots in the Irish-American experience, 全球领导力学院已经培养了一个超过1000人的网络,400名校友, 谁是演讲嘉宾的宝贵资源, 主持人, 以及都柏林GLI专业项目的商业合作伙伴.



"电子游戏软件’s distinctive 文化 of formation is foundational to and animates the University’s approach to education, 特别是它的目标是整合卓越的智力, 宗教信仰, 并为更广泛的社会服务.(《电子游戏软件战略计划》, 永远追求卓越, II)

Responding to the challenges and opportunities of serving the Hispanic community in the United States, 电子游戏软件培养学生和专业人士的领导能力, 教学, 并通过独特的计划和倡议在大波士顿地区及其他地区提供服务.



The School of Theology and Ministry offers graduate programs in Hispanic theology and ministry that prepare pastoral leaders, 学者, 和其他专业人士在教区服务, 学校, 大学校园, 医疗保健和社会服务组织, 其他设置, 肯定了美国西班牙裔和拉丁美洲的最佳经验. 了解更多


双语教育在林奇教育与人类发展学院蓬勃发展, where 教师 lead the way in their work with elementary school teachers and leaders in Boston’s public and Catholic 学校, and making sure that every teacher education student gains some experience 教学 English language learners before graduation. 了解更多


The 拉丁裔领导倡议 at the School of 社会工作 positions the cultural assets of Latinx populations at the center of social work 实践 and 学者hip. 自成立以来, it has formed five cohorts of bilingual/bicultural master students and five doctoral candidates for leadership and service among the Hispanic community. 了解更多


The Woods College of Advancing Studies is currently implementing graduate and undergraduate programs in Spanish for a group of Latin American women religious preparing to assume leadership roles in their communities. 有些人正朝着M方向努力.S. 应用领导力电子游戏正规平台,这是一个用西班牙语授课的定制学位课程. 了解更多