以下资源-许多是从信仰的角度-可以帮助更好地理解种族不公正和反黑人种族主义工作在美国和中国的重要性, 特别是, 在电子游戏软件. Our 耶稣会,天主教 identity calls us to be ever more attentive, reflective and loving in a world so scathed by racism. By no means exhaustive, the list recognizes that each of us enters this conversation at different points. 我们希望你在这里找到的一些东西可以帮助你建立一个维护个人尊严、肯定“黑人的命也是命”的社区.

长老的讲道. 西娅的厨房

上帝的仆人. 西娅鲍曼, FSPA(1937-1990)倡导一个普世的邀请,作为基督身体的成员讲道. Bowman was known for integrating her 天主教 tradition with Black spirituality. 校园部 is introducing 长老的讲道. Thea’s Kitchen to center and amplify Black voices and experiences. 这个系列将提供来自BC社区关于圣经和依纳爵精神与种族正义的交集的反思. As Bowman’s ministry of joy proclaimed, Black is beautiful!


Multifaith Communities

With all major faiths represented at BC, 我们为学生提供了许多机会,让他们更多地了解自己的信仰传统, to celebrate and worship together, and to join in fellowship with others, both on campus and at area services.

非洲 & 非洲 Diaspora Studies

Introduces histories, 文化, and experiences of 非洲 descended peoples to students; supports academic research; gives students opportunities to examine 非洲 legacies; links local Black communities with BC; and communicates the significance of people of 非洲 descent.

西娅鲍曼 AHANA and Intercultural Center

Supports the undergraduate community with a particular focus on AHANA, 多元文化的, 多民族的, 和OTE学生.


Incoming first-year AHANA students can connect with upperclass mentors, 发展友谊, 并在他们通过指南针指导计划度过大学第一学期的过程中获得强烈的社区意识.

Office for Institutional Diversity


Employee Affinity Groups



In Response to the Shooting in Buffalo
In response to the shooting in Buffalo, 周六在纽约, 5月14日, 2022, the Ignatian Solidarity Network has compiled a list of resrouces on racism, 枪支暴力, and 天主教 teaching on peace and justice.

#Black天主教 Syllabus
A collection of resources curated by Dr. 蒂亚·诺艾尔·普拉特. 这个教学大纲优先考虑黑人的工作,以便黑人天主教徒的声音集中在他们自己的叙述中. The document is for those who want to learn and think critically about issues such as: anti-Black systemic racism; white supremacy; racial justice; anti-racism; #BlackLivesMatter; the impact these issues have on the Church, 从个人层面到组织/机构层面思考这些问题.

Theological resources for countering white supremacy, 从世界教会网络中的天主教神学伦理看反黑人和种族不公正.

Required reading: A Black 天主教 Syllabus
U.S. 天主教会提供了一份资源清单,其中许多来自著名的黑人天主教神学家, 历史学家, 和作家, along with others who study, 写, and teach about the legacy of racism. The document contains resources introducing racial justice; the intersection of racial justice and faith; articles and interviews; church documents; suggested race scholars to follow; books for parents, and possible next steps.

Sr. 西娅鲍曼 was instrumental in the publication of 1987's 引导我,引导我: The 非洲 American 天主教 Hymnal. 这是第一首这种类型的赞美诗,有助于培养和活跃黑人天主教徒的信仰. 在赞美诗中,神父. Thea described the gifts of 非洲 American sacred song as holistic, 参与, refers, 和生命的. 为了纪念11月的黑人天主教历史月以及非裔美国人圣歌的礼物, 校园部 recorded several songs from the hymnal. Click through the playlist starting with Lift Every Voice, below:

6 Guidelines I’ve Learned for Talking 关于 Race
Sullivan McCormick, S.J., '15, considers suggestions he's embraced "as a white male who has failed, 犯了罪, and continues to grow in conversations about race."

The Assumptions of White Privilege and What We Can Do 关于 It
Fr. 布莱恩Massingale is a theology professor at Fordham University. He is the author of 种族平等 and the 天主教 Church.

呼吸 & 火
The Spirit moves us toward racial justice, 写s theology professor M. 肖恩·科普兰.

How can 天主教s help lead the fight against racism?

耶和华阿,这要到几时呢?’ Psalm 13 is the Cry of Black Americans

Open Letter to a Friend Waking Up to Racism
Ángel Flores Fontánez, S.J., discusses the way ahead for those just engaging in antiracism work.

种族平等 and Interfaith Cooperation

Dr. M. 肖恩·科普兰着眼于黑人神学及其在基督教内部的压迫历史.




An Antiracist Reading List,易卜拉欣·X. Kendi

The 书 Can Help You Explain Racism and Protests to Your Kids杰西卡·格罗斯

This List Of 书, 电影 And Podcasts 关于 Racism Is A Start, Not A Panacea伊莎贝拉·罗萨里奥

种族平等 书helf

This short film shares the joy, 新奥尔良特雷米地区黑人天主教社区所面临的痛苦和挣扎. Though the experience in New Orleans is unique, 制片人注意, 它与全美国的黑人天主教徒,特别是非裔美国天主教徒息息相关. 了解更多关于 这部纪录片.

乔治五世主教. 你好,IFTJ Keynote
The late 乔治五世主教. 聪聪,年代.J., was a former chair of the US 天主教 Bishops’ Committee Against Racism. He gave a keynote at the 2018 Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice.

The Disease of Racism
Sr. 帕特丽夏Chappell, SNDden, 是圣母玛利亚修女会的成员,也是美国基督和平组织的前执行董事. 她在2017年伊格纳蒂亚家庭正义宣讲会上发表了关于种族正义的主题演讲.

How the Church Can Combat Racism and White Privilege
Fr. 布莱恩Massingale, 他是《电子游戏正规平台》一书的作者,也是福特汉姆大学的神学教授, 加入美国国家通讯员迈克尔·奥洛克林就种族主义进行对话, white privilege and what the church can do to address these issues moving forward.

The Magis and Justice
Fr. 马辛格尔在2017年伊格纳爵家族正义宣讲会上就“魔法师与正义”发表讲话.

牧师. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 地址竞赛, 1967年在斯坦福大学的演讲中谈到了美国的贫困和经济公正.

21-Day Racial Equity Challenge
21天, 我们挑战你进入复杂的工作,了解美国种族不公正和反黑人的现实.S. The Ignatian Racial Equity Challenge is designed for all participants, 不分种族, 种族, prior anti-racism work, age or background and will include opportunities to learn, 祈祷, and act on different themes of racial equity.

Acknowledging Systemic Racism and Unpacking Whiteness


种族平等 资源
资源 from the Ignatian Spirituality Network, 它教育和培养社会正义的倡导者,受到圣. 依纳爵罗耀拉和萨尔瓦多耶稣会殉道者及其同伴的见证.

Recommit to 种族平等
网络提供了一个精神内容的指南来审视白人特权和系统性种族主义,这对所有人都有价值, 尤其是白人希望加深对种族在社会中的作用的理解.

Know Justice, Know Peace
“知道正义, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat" is a series of 12 talks published in video, 播客, and text from The Jesuit Post to continue a process of conversion toward antiracism.


Racism is a social and spiritual disease that kills people.
Cardinal Seán O’Malley, OFM, Cap., Archbishop of Boston