What is the role of the Church in the age of polarization? What resources can our Catholic faith offer to heal fierce partisanship of our times? How might the sacramental imagination and wisdom of Catholic Social Teaching transform the "us" vs. "them" mentality that holds so many in its grip? It is tempting to feel fatalistic about the growing polarization around us, but there are good reasons for hope. This is what this latest issue of C21资源 magazine means to inspire.

探索资源 从 this issue

The Call to a “Better Kind of 政治”
The Call to a “Better Kind of 政治”
The Call to a “Better Kind of 政治”

The Call to a “Better Kind of 政治”

探索 initiative and resources created by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB), Civilize It: A Better Kind of 政治, which includes a pledge, Scripture meditations, 促销包, 祈祷, tips 从 Pope Francis, 反射, (including those published in this issue of C21资源),以及更多.



探索 来源 肯为了“ 原文.

Political Sectarianism in 美国: What’s driving the hatred?
Political Sectarianism in 美国: What’s driving the hatred?
Political Sectarianism in 美国: What’s driving the hatred?

Political Sectarianism in 美国: What’s driving the hatred?

读了 原文 by 克拉克Merrefield,发表于 The Journalist’s Resource (a project of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, 政治, Public Policy) and 更多资源来自 this organization.

Why are we at each other’s throats? 医治我们的教会
Why are we at each other’s throats? 医治我们的教会
Why are we at each other’s throats? 医治我们的教会

Why are we at each other’s throats? 医治我们的教会

读了 全文由 莫林一天 and 更多资源来自 the National Catholic Reporter.



Use these links for the 全文由 理查德Gaillardetz, entitled “Reflections on Impediments to Synodality: Polarization and the Escalation of Conflict,”, 更多资源来自 敬拜.

Honoring Ideological Divides
Honoring Ideological Divides
Honoring Ideological Divides

Honoring Ideological Divides

读了 full interview, “In Conversation: Honoring Ideological Divides On and Off Campus,” with 丽莎Kloppenberg, 文森特Rougeau, 爱德华多Penalver, discover 更多资源来自 Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education.

Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship
Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship
Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship

Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill: A Real-life Friendship

读了 全文来自 理查德Gorecki and learn more about GodBuddies or email the author at Rich@God-Buddy.com.

的声音 & 的观点
的声音 & 的观点
的声音 & 的观点

的声音 & 的观点

Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt
Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt
Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt

Love Your Enemies, Say No to Contempt

访问 Arhur布鲁克斯 完整的视频 从 the 美国n Enterprise Institute, his book Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save 美国n 从 the Culture of Contempt, additional resources 从 布鲁克斯教授.

Learning to Argue Well
Learning to Argue Well
Learning to Argue Well

Learning to Argue Well


访问 the 完整的视频Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education entitled “Reaching Across the Abortion Divide: Re来源 Arguing Well on Campus in the Post-Roe Era” through the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) Jesuit Channel.

Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue
Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue
Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue

Loving Our Neighbor through Dialogue

探索 initiative and resources created by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB)Civilize It: A Better Kind of 政治, which includes a pledge, Scripture meditations, 促销包, 祈祷, tips 从 Pope Francis, 反射, (including those published in this issue of C21资源),以及更多.

Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization
Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization
Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization

Authentic Communion and the Way Out of Polarization


To read the 全文来自 萨姆·索耶,S.J. 在网上 美国 magazine and access additional resources 从 美国 Media.