Shogan在美国伊利诺斯州瓦尔迈耶的一个山洞里的NARA设施里摆姿势拍照. 使用洞穴作为存储设施可以降低与管理文件气候控制相关的成本.

Photo: John Valceanu for the National Archives

The Record Keeper


T美国国家档案和记录管理局(National Archives and Records Administration)可能会让人想起一个长, dusty hallways filled with filing cabinets, 但是,存储和分类与国家历史记录相关的文件和通信的过程包含的内容远不止于此. 毕竟,最后被送到国家档案馆的不只是总统的文件. Among the records the agency, known as NARA, stores and maintains are the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, 再加上更多的日常文件,比如退伍军人的服役记录, immigration paperwork, maps, videos, and tweets. 也有证据证明这个国家更痛苦的历史, 比如奴隶船舱单和与美洲土著部落撕毁的条约. And now, all of that falls under the purview of Colleen Shogan ’97, who was confirmed as archivist of the United States last May, 在联邦记录保存的重要性从未如此突出的时期.

Shogan, who majored in political science at BC, was first nominated to be archivist in August of 2022, 但由于国会的政治争论,直到9个月后才得到确认. 她是第11位担任该职位的人,也是第一位被确认担任该职位的女性. (Several women have previously served as acting archivist.)

Shogan said she is excited to show up to work each day. “This is definitely the place I’m supposed to be,” she said. 她对美国历史的兴趣可以追溯到她在宾夕法尼亚州的童年时代, 当她的家人去葛底斯堡等历史景点度假时. Shogan说:“这给我带来了一种从书中无法获得的鲜活的历史。. After graduating from Boston College, 肖根在耶鲁大学获得美国政治学博士学位, 之后担任康涅狄格州参议员乔·利伯曼的立法助理,之后在国会电子游戏正规平台处工作了7年. 当时她正在白宫历史协会担任高级副会长,当时她接到了拜登政府有意让她担任档案保管员的电话.

Mark Falzone ’97, 从他们在英国广播公司的时候就和肖根成为朋友,并在参议员爱德华·肯尼迪的一次连任竞选中与她一起工作, 那时候就被她能和别人相处的方式打动了吗. “She really cared about the philosophy of what she was doing, but also the practical consequences,” Falzone said. “And politics has both of those things.”

NARA is generally considered to be apolitical, 但最近它被党派偏见的指控搅得一团糟. After all, 正是该机构努力找回前总统唐纳德·特朗普离任后带走的文件,才导致他最终被指控在佛罗里达州海湖庄园非法保留政府文件的37项指控. 共和党人对此案中政治动机的怀疑,无疑是导致肖根任命被推迟确认的原因之一, 尽管她在找回文件的过程中没有任何作用, which began prior to her nomination for the post.

Shogan is far from a political ideologue, said Susan Combs, 他是一名共和党人,在特朗普担任总统期间被任命为内政部助理部长. “To this day, I do not know what her politics are,” said Combs, 她曾与肖根密切合作,一起在妇女选举权百年纪念委员会(Women 's Suffrage Centennial Commission)工作,在2020年组织庆祝美国宪法第十九条修正案颁布100周年的活动, which gave women the right to vote. 库姆斯说:“我当时和现在真正喜欢的是,她非常清楚。. “Very organized, very objective, very rigorous.” 

“She’s just a very good manager,” said Matt Costello, 她在担任无党派的白宫历史协会(White House Historical Association)副主席期间曾与肖根共事, from 2020 until she left to become archivist in 2023. 科斯特洛回忆说,她在与该协会合作的政府机构的官僚作风和不同的时间表上有一种特殊的技巧. 他说:“她机智地让事情继续发展,但又不太咄咄逼人。. “在合作关系方面,她有非常好的外交意识.”

肖根说,她希望能够清理疫情期间积压的服务记录申请, and to make records more accessible to the general public. And with 2026 marking the nation’s 250th anniversary, 她认为有机会进一步让人们参与到档案馆的记录中来. 公开展示《电子游戏正规平台》只是她的想法之一. 

Most of all, 肖根说,她想让美国人参与到他们国家的历史中来, and she’s not particularly snobby about how that occurs. 如果人们想看《电子游戏正规平台》只是因为他们在寻找宝藏,她是完全赞成的, like Nicolas Cage in the beloved, if slightly ahistorical, National Treasure film series.  “I think National Treasure 能成为一个很好的切入点,让人们对此感到兴奋,”她说. “来国家档案馆看看我们,了解各种各样的记录和历史.不过,她提醒游客不要抱太大希望. “人们不会拿着《电子游戏正规平台》到处跑,”她笑着说. “We’re not rolling it up or passing it off to people.